Grinder screens- Accessories

Grinder screens- Accessories

Grinder screens- Accessories

Grinder screens are the most frequently used ones with grinders or chippers to process varying materials. They give importance to the end-use applications and are critical in setting up the size and consistency of the finished product. How they help is as follows: 

On Agriculture:

Production of Animal Feed: Grain (corn, wheat, barley), hay, and other feed ingredients are processed through grinder screens into precise sizes appropriate for various animals. Farmers can make fine feed for poultry or coarse feed for cattle using varying screen sizes.

Produces Compost: Facilitates a quicker composting rate because it aids in the grinding of manure, yard waste, and crop residues into smaller size pieces. There is the option to produce varied textured compost based on different screens for different use purposes.

Biofuel generation: Switchgrass corn stover, or any other type of agricultural waste, is sometimes macerated through grinder screens to a size suitable for the production of biofuel.


Production of Mulch: Grinder screens are necessary to make mulch from wood waste, including tree branches, bark, and wood chips. Different screen sizes produce fine to coarse mulch grades that are suitable for weed control, soil moisture retention, and landscaping.

Biomass for Energy: They help convert wood waste into wood chips or other forms of biomass fuels, which can be used to generate electricity or provide heat for buildings. Combustion efficiency is enhanced by the creation of biomass of specific particle sizes through different screen sizes.