Industrial Duty Pulsation Dampeners for Smooth Output Performance

Industrial Duty Pulsation Dampeners for Smooth Output Performance

Industrial Duty Pulsation Dampeners for Smooth Output Performance

An accumulator with a set precharge that absorbs system shocks, while minimizing pulsations, pipe vibration, water hammering, and pressure fluctuations, is called a Pulsation Dampener. Pumps will see less wear and have a longer life by minimizing pulsation in the system components like regulators, solenoids, sensors, etc. Pulsation dampeners are directly tied onto the discharge manifold or plumbed immediately downstream of the pump.

Cat Pumps offers a wide range of pulsation dampeners to meet any application's requirements completely sealed to completely re-buildable. The bladders are pre-charged with nitrogen eliminating moisture and extending the life of your pulsation dampener.