CLASS Jaguar 25

CLASS Jaguar 25

CLASS Jaguar 25

Enhanced Cutting Precision for Optimal Feed Efficiency. Achieving uniform chopping of maize and thorough kernel cracking is pivotal for producing top-tier silage. The CLAAS JAGUAR 25 boasts a set of 12 knives crafted from high-grade cutting tool steel, meticulously hardened for durability. These knives, along with toothed crushing bars mounted on a 1450 rpm rotating flywheel, expertly shear cobs and stems. The strategic placement of robust knives on a specialized chopping flywheel guarantees efficient processing of forage material, while the crushing bars effectively crack kernels and grains. Furthermore, the inclusion of a rasp bar within the flywheel casing aids in the crushing of tough kernels. With the JAGUAR 25, over 70-75% of kernels are cracked, facilitating the production of easily digestible silage for your livestock, even with challenging, dry crops, without requiring additional power. Consistent chopping lengths are crucial for high-quality silage, a feat accomplished by the seamless flow of crop into the machine. By ensuring superior silage quality, the JAGUAR 25 promotes enhanced milk production without the need for costly feed supplements.