Utilizing The Axion Terra Trac As A Pivotal Tool For Spring Fertilization

Utilizing The Axion Terra Trac As A Pivotal Tool For Spring Fertilization

Utilizing The Axion Terra Trac As A Pivotal Tool For Spring Fertilization

The recent winter in Europe has been characterized by exceptionally high precipitation and temperatures, challenging accessibility to fields and meadows across many regions. Despite these adverse conditions, the AXION TERRA TRAC by CLAAS has consistently demonstrated its adaptability for spring fertilization and plant protection tasks. Throughout Europe, the winter's excessive wetness and warmth have been notable. While the abundant precipitation has replenished soil moisture levels after the drought years of 2021 to 2023, lower-lying and marshy fields and poorly drained areas continue to face limited load-bearing capacity and trafficability challenges. Additionally, clay-rich soil layers are currently experiencing slow drainage of rainwater.