Test Pumps And Booster Pumps

Test Pumps And Booster Pumps

Test Pumps And Booster Pumps

A water booster pump helps increase the pressure and volume of water that flows from your faucet or shower head. Life with low water pressure is a nuisance. If you’ve ever tried to shower under a trickle of water and had to turn in circles just to get wet, then you're well aware. Low water pressure can make simple tasks like bathing or brushing your teeth a hassle, but a booster pump may be the perfect solution. Below you can find information about what a booster pump is, how it works, how to size one, and the best booster pumps for your application.

What is a water booster pump?

A booster pump is a device that increases low water pressure and flow. It provides the extra boost needed to bring your water pressure to the desired level. A water booster pump provides pressure to move water from a storage tank or throughout a whole house or commercial facility.

What causes low water pressure?

1. Gravity

Gravity either drives or slows water flow. The higher the elevation where water must be delivered, the lower the water pressure. Not to mention, one gallon of water weighs over 8 pounds. If water travels uphill or up several floors, gravity wants to send it right back down. Buildings lower than their water source may not experience the same problem. Skyscrapers, apartment buildings, and homes and businesses with multiple stories require a large booster pump to move water up many stories.

2. Distance from the water source

Distance from the water source and the size of water pipes affects water pressure. If your home or business sits at the end of the water supply line, the flow of water might be low by the time it reaches you. And, if your water pipes are too small, a smaller amount of water will run through your fixtures.

3. Low city water pressure

Your house may be below the water supply line, your plumbing pipes may be clear, and you still have low water pressure. Sometimes low water flow results from low-pressure water from your local water plant.

4. Additional water systems

Additional water treatment systems or other water fixtures to your home brings you fresh water but may decrease your water pressure. Adding a booster pump can restore your water pressure.

5. Plumbing problems

If low water pressure is the result of gravity, transportation, or additional systems, a water pressure booster may fix the issue. Other times, however, plumbing problems may be the cause. Before buying a water pressure booster, check your plumbing. The pipes may be clogged, or the pressure reducing valve may need adjusting.