The modern training device for first-class and practical hydraulics training

The modern training device for first-class and practical hydraulics training

The modern training device for first-class and practical hydraulics training

Hands-on hydraulics, modern and interactive
Built with robust HYDAC components from current production in industrial-grade design, the hydraulic trainer HHT2 is an integrated all-inclusive strategy for the topic of hydraulics – with a wide range of options and corresponding training exercises.

As various work packages can be selected as desired, a variety of content within the topic of hydraulics can be taught:

Manually operated standard hydraulics
Proportional technology
Measurement equipment
PLC package for extensive open- and closed-loop tasks
Digital package 4.0 for extended connectivity
One or two workstations that can be used independently enable all hydraulic training tasks to be mapped on a single device. The hydraulic trainer HHT2 makes hydraulics a hands-on experience and makes it possible to apply theoretical knowledge quickly, simply, cleanly and in a fun way in a group of up to six participants simultaneously.

With its robust industrial components, the HYDAC hydraulic trainer provides an integrated all-inclusive strategy. All hydraulic training tasks can be mapped on a single device.