The Role Of Underground Scaling Jumbos In Mining Operations

The Role Of Underground Scaling Jumbos In Mining Operations

The Role Of Underground Scaling Jumbos In Mining Operations

The underground scaling jumbos remove rock fragments from the walls of underground mines. This makes rock removal faster and safer. These remotely controlled underground scaling jumbos also prevent work accidents.

You can equip these machines with different tools. They are also mobile platforms. You can add hydraulic hammers, scaling bars, or rock drills to these mobile platforms. They are highly maneuverable vehicles. So, you can reach even very hard-to-reach places with them. You can use scaling jumbos in many mining operations. They are very durable vehicles.

Use Areas

Electric and diesel-powered jumbo machines can be used in different fields. Mining, metallurgy, water, electricity, railway, and highway engineering are some of them. They are used in these fields for excavation, drilling, shaft sinking, and cleaning the walls of mines or tunnels. These jumbo machines are very often preferred for tunneling. It bores tunnels by blasting rocks in mines. Miners use it in the process of drilling shafts to reach underground mines. It is used for scaling stope walls to remove loose rocks. You can drill with a jumbo scaling machine. Learn more about Scaling Jumbos.

During scaling, loose rocks are formed in construction walls. Some rocks will remain in the walls, especially after blasting with dynamite. These rocks may not be very strong and may fall later with tremors. This can cause serious injuries. These rocks are very risky for workers. Working in this mining area means risking their lives. You can clean the walls of these remaining rocks. With these scaling jumbos, you can easily clean loose rocks easier. This way you can ensure the safety of the workers.

These machines clean loose rocks that form in the shafts that miners dig to reach underground mines. These rocks, which remain on the sides of the shaft while it is being drilled, can then fall on the miners working underground. Not only can this cause injury, but if the falling rocks are too large they can also cause a collapse. This causes workers to be trapped in the mine. That's why you need to remove dangerous rocks that could fall on miners working underground.

They scale stope walls in areas where the rock is loose or even it is broken. This makes the stop wall safer. Blasting with dynamite is very common in excavation work. After the blast, rocks that have not fallen from the walls but have become loose will be dangerous for the workers. In this case, you can prevent ceiling collapse by using scaling jumbos.

Blasting speeds up excavation work. But, there are some risks. For example, the roof may collapse. To prevent this, the roof needs to be scaled. This is done before blasting. This will prevent roof collapses during scaling. Support structures are required to reduce risks during the process. When installing these structures, there should be no loose rocks on the mine walls. After these loose rocks are cleaned, you can install the support structures. These support structures will ensure that the mine is stable.

Need to Know How to Use 

To use these scaling machines in the most useful way, you need to be experienced and knowledgeable. Because these machines are very powerful and complex. The operator who will use this machine should know the following:

  • Understand the different scaling tools 
  • Know the principles of scaling
  • Know how to equip with different tools
  • Recognize loose or unstable rocks
  • Understand dangerous situations and take precautions
  • Know the special conditions related to the mining work performed

You must have the necessary conditions to use these machines. Otherwise, you can be dangerous for yourself and your surroundings. You must first receive the necessary training and then use these machines.

Reasons to Choose Jumbo Scaling Machine

There are other scaling methods besides scaling jumbos. Yet, when you compare these methods you will realize that scaling jumbos is more advantageous. These scaling machines can be used remotely. So it is ideal for scaling in a dangerous area. So it is safer to use these machines. These scaling machines work very fast. This means that more time can be spent on other work. Also, these machines are very efficient. It can easily lift a large rock. When scaling jumbos are used, you need less manpower. So, you can reduce your labor costs.

Scaling jumbos are also necessary for environmental protection. Because loose rocks that do not fall during scaling can break down with rain or wind over time and fill the waterways. Since these loose rocks are removed with scaling jumbos, the amount of sediment in the waterways is reduced.

Scaling jumbos makes work faster and safer. It reduces the risk of accidents. This increases productivity. Scaling jumbos also makes less noise and dust. Thanks to this, working conditions will be better. You can equip them with different tools to use them for various operations. So underground scaling jumbos are safer, more productive, and more environmentally friendly vehicles. They are one of the indispensable scaling tools in modern mining.